Hardstand at Mill Bay Boat Ramp –

Hauling boats and Cradle Hire

Mangonui Cruising Club runs the hardstand as a service to members and the community. Sailing and fishing boats up to 10 tonnes can be hauled on our range of cradles for cleaning, anti-fouling and repairs.  A minimum of third party insurance cover is required for all boats being hauled.  You can get this insurance from The Marine Shop (click on link at bottom of the page). Boats over 40 years old (or ferro-cement)  require a CONDITION REPORT AVAILABLE HERE 

Scraping, Sanding and Painting Rules 

The Mangonui Cruising Club has set the following requirements when using the hardstand to meet the increasing environmental expectations for our Resource Consent from Northland Regional Council.

  • Paint and antifoul removal must be by DRY SANDING using an appropriate vacuum system (available from DB Hire) Domestic vacuum cleaners are not acceptable. NO WET SANDING.
  • Drop sheets must be used when sanding and painting.
  • The area underneath and around vessels must be swept clean at least once per day.
  • For any spray painting, the Environmental Protection Authority rules must be followed as a controlled work area.
  • NO ABRASIVE SAND BLASTING is to be carried out.
  • Dry sanding dust can be transferred from the vacuum device to the MCC provided dust waste system.
  • Waste from water blasting and scraping can be deposited in the lidded drums provided be MCC.

Adherence to these requirements is MANDATORY to protect the continued availability of the facility. Please refer to Instructions to Hardstand Users below.

*Must be full members (not social) * 10 tonnes max vessel weight
• $100 Environmental/Cradle maintenance charge for all boats (Charges include power and water)
• Cradle supplement of $100 for boats over 10 Metres
• 40year+ and ferro boats may need a condition report by a marine surveyor of boat builder
• Additional charges will be added for severe fouling (minimum $100.00), for significant cradle
adjustments and where instructions and requirements have not been met
• Same tide Haul/waterblast/launch $100 (up to 10M) $150 (over 10M) plus $30 per hour plus $80
Environmental/Cradle maintenance charge
All payments to MCC Bank Account: 38 9007 0024989 00 using boat name and owner name as

Want to use our Hardstand?

Contact our Hardstand Supervisor – Ewold Van Mechelen  Mobile 0224140868 Email – hardstand@mangonuicruisingclub.com

Click below for:

Haulout Application Form

Instructions to Hardstand Users

These forms are to be completed, signed and sent to the Hardstand Manager, along with proof of insurance, BEFORE the vessel can be hauled.

Dinghy Racks

These are owned and allocated by the club please contact the Commodore for further information. For details of dingy rack register contact mangonuicc@gmail.com 

Moorings Purchase and Servicing in Mill Bay

Administered by Northland Regional Council – click here for further information

Also ask around in the club or talk to the Mangonui Harbour Warden Mr Steve Smith

Hardstand Operative Job Description